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            I am Erik Syre, a photo student, Many things have influenced everything that I have done in art and explains why I did it. There are also many things that I hope to acieve through the use of all my works

            Influences are the basic things thjat everyone says but with my art I have come to the realization that what everyone says about theirinfluences is true. Family and friends give you the enviroment that you are always around and that is what influences you most because that is what you are comfortable with and what amususes you. My mom has been a real inspiration because she always gave me that mini jolt that I needed to push through and finish the projects that I need done. Mrs. Diamond, My Junior year photography teacher, was also an influence because she made me do things that I might not have thought to be necessary at the time, ending up being one of the most important things to do a good job on that project and future projects. My last influence is actually many people. It is all the artists that I have had to study such as Jacob Riis and Dorothea Lange. They gave me ideas of how to speak to people based on things that no normal person would think of. They taught me the importance of angles and setting of a picture. Through my works, I hoped to achieve inspiring people to get into art, and see the beauty of the world through my pieces.

            Through this website people can expect to see photography that demonstrates who I am and what I aim to be. 

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